Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Politics in America Today

Personally, I believe being a Political Science major has made me more aware of the day-to-day interactions of what goes on between bureaucrats in Washington. Every time I watch what goes on between politicians I feel that I gain a greater understanding of how the system works. However, I become more and more frustrated every time I watch because these people are just so ignorant to what the people of this country truly want. Politicians on both sides of the aisle have such inflated egos that they have become completely out of touch to the wants and needs of the average American citizen. I definitely consider myself an average American citizen, and I want to map out what politicians need to do to attract voters. First of all, the partisan attacks by both sides need to stop. It is not respectable at all to see Republican Congressman Joe Wilson yell at President Obama "You Lie!", or to see ex-President Jimmy Carter criticize Republicans of being racists because they attack Obama's policies. We live in a civil society, and those displays of stupidity are not civil at all. Secondly, it is not acceptable to lie to constituents to get elected, or policy passed. Time, and time again we see people running for office make promises to the American people, and we are completely shocked when they don't come through. Finally, most Americans are have moderate views, and policy should represent that. I recall that John Stuart Mill once wrote that the best solutions come when two extremes come together, and meet in the middle. Did any of today's politicians ever read Mill? My guess is no. There are many more flaws to the system, but these are the main three I see. I don't expect any politicians to take advice from a twenty-year old who hasn't done anything in life, but I do expect them to reacquaint who voted them into office.

Vocab Words

Recidivist- repeated or habitual relapse.

Calumny-a false and malicious statement designed to injure the reputation of someone or something.

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