Wednesday, September 9, 2009

President Obama's Education Speech

Yesterday, President Barack Obama addressed the nation's youth by giving a speech on the importance of education. By streaming his speech to almost every classroom across the nation, the President hoped to instill the importance of education to the future leaders of the United States. Before President Obama even leaked the contents of his speech to the media, people were assuming that this speech had "socialist" ideas. Why not give the guy a chance before judging what he is going to say? Just because he is a liberal does not make everything he says have a hidden agenda. Did his words have some special message that was to brainwash America's youth? No. That type of assumption is absolutely absurd. I was completely unaware that liberal also meant brain washer. I guess I am out of the loop. Now, in all seriousness, my estimation is that the speech was very inspirational, and it is important that students listen intently to what he said. One of the most important messages that I saw was how the President told students to take their education by the horns, and to control their own destiny. In one instance the President said, "You make your own future." That sentiment does not hold more true in today's society where the demand for skilled workers is at all time high with a struggling economy. President Obama is the poster boy for someone who took his education in his own hands and directed his destiny. He is the best example for the possibilities in America, and he says all this can come with some hard work and focus. The controversy over this speech was ridiculous, and the message was an extremely important one that the students of America should pay attention to, and take to heart.

Vocab Words

-Panegyric- a lofty oration or writing in praise of a person or thing; eulogy.

-Effrontery- shameless or impudent boldness.

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